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The Unavailability of Ambulance Services in DBI: A Call to Action

By Dennis Andaman

As a concerned citizen of DBI, I, Denis Andaban, am compelled to speak out about the inaccessibility of ambulance services in our district. Despite the provision of an ambulance, which was a welcome intervention considering our rural location and lack of a district hospital, the service has failed to serve its purpose due to upfront payment requirements and a lack of leadership accountability.

The requirement for prompt payment, ranging from GHS 300 to GHS 500, has proven to be a significant barrier for many in emergency situations. This has resulted in people relying on public transport, which can be detrimental in life-threatening situations. I have witnessed instances where our Member of Parliament has had to intervene, using his personal vehicle to transport patients and even providing financial assistance to access the ambulance service.

Furthermore, our ambulance has been grounded in Wa for over five months, and the leadership in the district has demonstrated a lack of urgency and insensitivity to this critical situation. As stakeholders, we have been left in the dark, and it seems that our leaders are waiting for someone to speak out before taking action.

I urge our District Chief Executive, Hon Nadi Imoro Sanda, and the national Ambulance Services to take immediate action to return our ambulance to the district. This is a matter of emergency, and our health and well-being depend on it. We cannot afford to remain silent in the face of such indifference.

Let us speak out for the voiceless and demand accountability from our leaders. Our health is our wealth, and we deserve better.

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